functional insulin therapy(FIT) in Shelton, CT

What is

Functional Insulin Therapy (FIT)?

Functional Insulin Therapy is a unique and groundbreaking treatment where insulin is administered as a hormone rather than a drug; addressing the primary cause of Diabetes, metabolic failure. By utilizing insulin in a manner that bio-mimics normal physiology, we are able to reduce insulin resistance, which helps blood sugar more readily enter each cell and be converted into energy.

Increasing cellular energy allows damaged tissues and organs to grow, repair, and regenerate. Thus, our approach not only stabilizes, but in many instances has reversed complications of diabetes and other metabolic disorders.

Physiologic Administration

By precision administering insulin in a manner that bio-mimics normal physiology, we are able to up-regulate insulin receptor activity and reduce insulin resistance.

Infusion Treatment

The treatment is designed to reduce insulin resistance, which is the primary cause of type 2 diabetes and other metabolic disorders.

Experience results that have the potential to astonish you and your doctor!

Our Patients Report

PLUS: restored energy, medications reduced, diminished nerve pain, diminished retinopathy​, wounds healed, amputations prevented, controlled weight, controlled blood sugar, reduced blood pressure, restored erectile function, improved mood and sleep, and hair and nail growth.

Improved Neuropathy
Report Improvement in at least one diabetic complication
HbA1c Reduction
Reduced diabetic medications
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